Current (on-going) outreach activities
“Knitting Networks / Tejiendo Redes” is a bilingual podcast about social network analysis with new chapters each first Wednesday of the month. Organization with Alejandro Espinosa-Rada. International project. https://knittingnetworks.com
“Cuidando” is a bilingual podcast about research around the concept of care with new chapters each first Wednesday of the month. Organization with Javiera Rosell Cisternas y Juan Pablo Robledo. International project. https://anchor.fm/cuidando
Founder and chair of the international network for Early and middle-career researchers of the Social Networks community. Organized with Chiara Broccatelli. Global network. https://twitter.com/emcr_sna
Elected by the members of the Women in Network Science to be part of the council from March 2020. Global network. tinyurl.com/winssoc
“Visual Narratives” Project about photography as a method in social science research. An organization with Denisse Sepulveda. Located in Chile but is an international project. Sponsored by COES (Chile), CIIR (Chile), LINEA (Argentina), CLACSO (Manchester), Hets (Switzerland), MLIV (Chile). www.narrativasvisuales.com
Part of the coordinator team in the network “Red Feminista de las Ciencias Sociales”. Organization with Denisse Sueplveda, Manuela Mendoza y Camila Mella. Chile. www.redfeministaccss.com