Current research
Care and support networks of older people
Principal investigator / 2022-23
Principal Investigator “Living taking care: exploring social support and caregiving networks from a mixed method approach" sponsored by Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE), Santiago, Chile.
Surviving old age on a Chilean pension
Principal investigator / 2018-21
Principal Investigator “Surviving old age on a Chilean pension: A research about the personal life of ageing using mixed methods (SNA and QCA)”, sponsored by ANID. Research to obtain the PhD degree at the University of Manchester, UK.
Feminism and social sciences in Chile
Co-researcher / 2022-2023
Co-researcher with Denisse Sepúlveda Sánchez, Bárbara Flores, and Manuela Mendoza Horvitz at "Feminismo y ciencias sociales en Chile: voces desde sus participantes". The results are a book, podcast and an article.
Care and work are differentiated by gender
Co-researcher / 2022-Current
Co-researcher with Bárbara Flores at ”Cuidados y participación laboral: Un análisis diferenciado por género".
Gender and researchers with institutional affiliations in the global south/north in social network science
Co-researcher / 2022-Current
Co-researcher with Alejandro Espinosa-Rada in the project "Gender and researchers with institutional affiliations in the global south/north in social network science".
Gendered life-course determinants of extended working life
Senior researcher / 2022-Current
Principal Investigator Ignacio Cabib. Co-researcher Martina Yopo y Andrew Biehl. Fondecyt Regular “Gendered life-course determinants of extended working life among older people in developing and developed liberal countries”.
Past research
Assistance researcher. Fondecyt Género y vejez. Assistance researcher / 2022. Principal researcher: Herminia Gonzálvez. Co-researchers: Menara Guizardi, Sara Caro. “Fondecyt Género y vejez: una etnografía sobre la organización social y moral de los cuidados en la comuna de Peñalolén (Santiago de Chile)”.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY, THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER - PROJECT INVESTIGATOR / 2021. Principal Investigator of the project: “Ageism in the era of Covid-19: exploring stereotypes in the press and social media” Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA), The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Co-researcher: Louise Mitchell, Salford University, U.K.CO-RESEARCHER, FUNDACIÓN GEROACTIVISMO - CO-RESEARCHER / 2020. Co-researchers of the project: ”Validation and Construction of the Ageism Index: Exploring the Discrimination by Age Between Health Professionals”. Fundación Geroactivismo (, Santiago of Chile. Principal Investigator: Agnieszka Bozanic, University of Barcelona, Spain. TO BE A WOMAN MAYOR IN SANTIAGO OF CHILE - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER / 2016-2019. In project Fondecyt nº1160683 “. March 2016 – March 2019 (3 years). Responsibilities: fieldwork, data collection, ethnography, interviews, bibliographical revision, analysis and writing of articles. CENTRE OF SOCIOCULTURAL RESEARCH - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER OF THE CENTRE / 2013-2017. Alberto Hurtado University. Santiago of Chile. Responsibilities: Administrative coordinator of the complete centre with the director in charge. Also, it was expected that the assistant constructs original research, methodological innovations and publications of articles. SIGNIFICANCE ON ADOPTION IN CHILE - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER / 2016-2017. In research tendered by the San José Foundation. March 2016 – March 2017 (1 year). Responsibilities: bibliographical revision, analysis and writing of articles.FAMILIES IN CHILE - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER / 2015. In project Fondecyt n°1121244. January 2015 – September 2015 (9 months). Responsibilities: fieldwork, data collection, ethnography, interviews, bibliographical revision, analysis and writing of articles.THE EFFECTS OF THE POLICIES OF MARKET AND RENDERING OF ACCOUNTS: AN ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDY OF THE DAILY LIFE OF THE SCHOOL - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER / 2015. In project Fondecyt nº11140302. March 2015 – December 2015 (7 months). Responsibilities: fieldwork, data collection, ethnography, interviews, bibliographical revision, and analysis.DATA AND SCIENTIFICAL DISCOURSES WHICH FORM THE REALITY IN CHILE: STUDY ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTIONS AND PERFORMATIVE ASPECTS OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCE - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER / 2012-2014. In project Fondecyt n°1121124. December 2012 – January 2014 (2 years and 1 month). Responsibilities: fieldwork, data collection, ethnography, interviews, bibliographical revision, analysis and writing of articles.VISUAL INVESTIGATIONS - CO-RESEARCHER / 2011-2013. In “Visual Investigations” Project. August 2011 – January 2013 (1 year 5 months). Responsibilities: fieldwork, data collection, ethnography, bibliographical revision, analysis and writing of articles.COLLISION AND HARMONIZATION OF REGULATORY REGIMES IN GLOBAL SOCIAL CONTEXTS - ASSISTANT RESEARCHER / 2012. Researcher and Thesis Assistant. In FONDECYT N°1110437. March 2012 – July 2012 (5 months). Responsibilities: bibliographical revision, social network analysis, data analysis and writing of articles.YOUNG RESEARCHERS PROGRAM - RESEARCHER / 2011-2012. Faculty of Social Sciences, Alberto Hurtado University. September 2011 – July 2012 (11 months). Responsibilities: fieldwork, data collection, ethnography, interviews, bibliographical revision, analysis and writing of articles. Team: Fernando Valenzuela, Alejandro Espinosa-Rada, Ignacio Madero, Camila Moyano; Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.